Use This Best-in-the-World Still Cleaner for Best Results
THERE ARE two main things you need to have to make top-tasting neutral – great (non-turbo) yeast, and most important of all, a clean still.
Today we’re talking about the second one… the crucial need for a very clean still.
Not many home distillers realise that it’s not that long before you get a build-up of cellulose, waxes and other plant residues that are left after every run.
Even if you run some vinegar or citric acid through your T500 after every run, it doesn’t come anywhere near getting your still perfectly clean.
And they not only rob you of yield, but these residues also spoil the taste of your final product.
Introducing the WORLD’S BEST still cleaner!
Global Flavors Power Clean is the still cleaner to beat all others.
It was developed for Global Flavors exclusively, and is the only one in the world of this quality.
A Clean Still is the Best Tasting Still: Get the World’s BEST Still Cleaner HERE
The developer, Professor Alan Twomey, has spent 50 years in the food industry in Australia and New Zealand.
As with our Global Flavors Fast & Clean Distillers Yeast, it has been designed specifically for sugar-based fermentation.
It also removes residues from the fruits and grains also sometimes used in home distilling.
No other product has ever been developed with this focus exclusively.
It is a two-part product – Alkali (ALK) and Acid (ACD) – everything you need for a pristine, best cleaned still.
Until next time… Happy Distilling!
Questions about Spirit Essences or Home Distilling?
Phone John direct now 0414 955 743
Keith’s Global Flavors Spirit Essences Facebook Page
Global Flavors’ HOME DISTILLERS CLUB Facebook Group