Could Too Much Alcohol Cause Spontaneous Human Combustion?
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Could Too Much Alcohol Cause Spontaneous Human Combustion?

SOME READERS may have done things they regret after a bit too much to drink but in the 18th and 19th centuries, a surfeit of alcohol was thought to cause spontaneous combustion!  Do you sometimes wonder if you’re drinking too much? Despite the health warnings, I know that I do.

ZAPPER’S FLAVOUR ESSENCE RECIPE: Continuing the Bookers Bourbon Taste Tradition

Experience-based Flavour Method By Home Distillers Club member “Zapper” ONE OF the ongoing challenges home distillersface — whether traditional craftsmen or Neutral spirit and essence flavours experts — is to replicate a particular commercial brand taste. In this case, Facebook Group Home DIstillers Club member “Zapper” has been experimenting to replicate the taste of the…

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Is This Really the World’s Oldest Whiskey?

WHAT IS the oldest bottle of whiskey in existence? According to a recent listing by the folks at Guinness, it’s a bottle of Baker’s Rye, an 1847 Monongahela Rye owned by Los Angeles Whiskey Society founder Adam Herz. Yes, you read correctly; this whiskey was distilled during the Polk administration.


NEW RELEASE: Jack Daniels Taste-Alike “Jack Bourbon” Spirit Essence

GOLD COAST Australia’s spirit essence provider Global Flavors has announced its Easter release of a new spirit essence flavor that mimics the legendary Jack Daniels taste. Global Flavors tastemeister Keith Emms says this is a proven product, used by commercial customers for nearly 20 years.